Personalized Recovery Oriented Services (PROS) is a comprehensive recovery-oriented program for adult individuals with severe and persistent mental illness. We integrate treatment, support, and rehabilitation in a manner that facilitates the individual's recovery, and helps them reach their personal goals. Some patients have seen improvement in relationships, housing situations, expanded education, and decreased inpatient utilization.
Community Rehabilitation and Support (CRS) to engage individuals in managing their lives and restoring skills and support necessary for being successful within the community. Some of the services under this component include assessment, wellness self-management and benefits, and financial management.
Intensive Rehabilitation (IR) is a customized package of rehabilitation and support services. IR offers targeted interventions to reduce the risk of hospitalization or to assist in the stabilization of recent acute psychiatric / chemical dependency relapse.
Ongoing Rehabilitation Support (ORS) provides flexibility in the off-site support and maintenance of obtaining competitive employment. ORS can also support individuals in managing their symptoms in a competitive workplace.
Clinic Treatment is an optional component of the program that offers psychiatric and health assessments, medication management, symptom monitoring, and clinical counseling. In some cases, individuals may choose to keep their community clinical providers and receive CRS and IR and ORS services within the PROS program.